EC - Creating Custom Absence Type

EC - Creating Custom Absence Type

Easy Clocking allows you to track a few absences by default, such as Holiday, Personal, Sick and Vacation. You also have the option of creating custom absences under the Settings. To create custom absences, navigate to:

  1. Settings
  2. Absence Types
  3. Create Absence Type

When creating a custom absence type, the following window will appear:

  1. Absence Type Name
  2. Absence Type Description 
  3. Allow Negative hours: This option is available to allow the user to still request Paid Time Off, even if the employee's accrual balance is less than what they are requesting.
  4. Allow to accrue hours: Enable this option if your employees accrue PTO toward the absence type.
  5. Decimal places: Decimal format; How many decimal places are used for this type of absence. For example:  Accrue 3.2 hours of said absence, versus 3.456 hours.
  6. Share bucket with: Share the accrual-hours bucket with another absence.
  7. Pay hours: Is this a paid absence type? If so, determine whether the absence is Excused or Unexcused and, if the hours:
    • Count toward Overtime
      or if you want to:
    • Pay worked hours as OT
      • Rate Amount: By default it is 1.50 x the employee rate.

Please note:  In the Easy Clocking Cloud Software - Holiday is used for Public Holidays, Vacation is used for Annual Leave.
When you create a custom Absence type, in the timecard summary report all custom Absences will appear under the Other Column.  

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