EC - Managing Out of Shift

EC - Managing Out of Shift

Easy Clocking Australia recommends before setting up the Easy Clocking Cloud Software to visit or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for information about hours of work, including minimum and maximum hours of work, overtime, rounding and break obligations.


The Out of Shift feature in Easy Clocking is designed to track worked time recorded outside the shifts assigned. The time recorded outside the shift will need to be approved for the time to be added to the total hours that will be paid to the employee.

At a glance: Lets say an employee has been assigned a shift from 9am - 6pm. And the employee happens to clock in at 8:09am and clock out at 6:16pm. His total time recorded for the day "if the shift was assigned" will be 8 worked hours accounted for pay and 1.12 recorded outside the shift. (Below is a picture of how you would see this information in the software) 
"If the shift was not assigned", meaning your time tracking settings do not require the use of shift, then the total time recorded for that day will be 9.12 hours.

To track Out of Shift worked time 
  • You must Create Shifts .
  • Then you must Assign the Shifts to the Employees , this is called scheduling.
  • As employees record time, the system will calculate worked time outside the shift assigned as shown above.

How to approve Out of Shift worked time
  • Click on Dashboard then click on Timecards.
  • Click on one employee from the list and the time card information for the selected period will display.
  • In the Out of Shift column, each day with Out of Shift worked time will have an  icon next to the Out of Shifts minutes.
  • Click on the  icon and then check mark if you wish to approve out of shift before and/or after. 'Before' refers to the minutes worked before the starting of the shift. 'After' refers to the minutes after the end of the shift. Click on the  to approve the minutes.

Unable to approve Out of Shift worked time
If the Out of Shift worked time that you wish to approve is not the current pay period the system will not let you approve the Out of Shift.
So you can approve these Out of Shifts
  • Click on Settings then click on General.
  • Click on Pay Settings.
  • Go to Pay period frequency and change to Monthly. Now Save

Now go back to How to approve Out of Shift worked time.  

Once you have completed approving the Out of Shift worked time click on Settings then click on General, click on Pay Settings, go to Pay period frequency and change back to what your company had previously. Now Save.

How to bulk approve Out of Shift worked time
  • To do a bulk approve,instead of one day at a time click on the  icon towards the bottom of the timecard page. (See picture below)
  • On the new page, to approve all out of shift minutes click on the  icon. (See picture below)
  • Then the  icons will turn into 
  • Note: Approving out of shift minutes is a reversible procedure, you can reverse the approval by clicking icon and then uncheck the approved logs. To save this information click on once more.


    Easy Clocking Support Team Contact Details

    Contact our Support Team on 1300 693 610

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