To get started, let's log into your Timelogix account.

Terms and Conditions

  • Accept to continue.


  • Company Name
  • Select the Country
  • Add Company Logo (Optional)


  • Department Code
  • Department Name


  • Location Name
  • Location Time Zone

Pay Setting

  1. Select the Pay Period Frequency: Weekly, Bi-weekly, Semi-monthly, Monthly
  2. Enter the Pay Period Start Date (First day of your pay period.)
    • First day of the work week (auto-populates based off previous selection.
  3. Round employee time using the (Choose rule)
    • Round first & last only: Selecting this option would only round the first and last punch of the day.
    • Round all punches automatically: With this option, all punches are rounded automatically in the process of being transferred from the time clock to the software.
  4. Use schedules for employees? Do you wish to enable the scheduling module for your account?

Pay Class

  1. What is the maximum continuous hours an employee will work?
    An estimated total number of hours, considering Overtime and Double-time, that can be worked in a single shift/day.
    For example: A standard 8 hour work day + 4 hours of Overtime would require a total of at least 12 hours for the maximum.
  2. Do employees work overnight (from one day to another) ?
  3. Do you want to pay overtime?
    • How do you pay overtime?
    • After X hours in a day
    • After X hours in a week/bi-week
    • Cut shift at the end of the week
    • What is the overtime rate?
      • X times regular

Do you want to pay double time?

  1. How do you pay double time?
    • After X hours in a day
    • After X consecutive days in a week
    • After X hours on that day
    • If accumulate hours that week total X or more
    • Cut shift at the end of the week
    • What is the double time rate?
      • X times regular

Lunch & Breaks

  1. Do you want to deduct lunch & breaks?
    • What amount if tune do you want to deduct for lunch & breaks
      • X mins
    • After how many hours do you want to deduct lunch & breaks
      • X hours pay
  2. Do you want to pay for lunch & breaks?
    • What amount of lunch & breaks time X mins do you want to pay?
    • Pay lunches and breaks as regular worked hours?

Time Clocks

  1. Enter the location and name for each time clock
    • (Device serial number(s) + previously created locations.)