EC - Using Comp Time
The Comp Time absence type in Easy Clocking Cloud is used to track earned/owed hours. To enable the system to calculate comp time, the timecard must first be approved. Please refer to Managing Out of Shift. When the pay class is set to automatically ...
EC - Creating a Public Holiday (National Holiday)
Creating and assigning the public (national) holiday to users/employees are done by creating a new public (national) holiday under the "Holiday" section. Go to Settings > Absence Types > Holiday > Click the + symbol. Fill out the New National Holiday ...
EC - Rounding Rules Explanation
Easy Clocking Australia recommends before setting up rounding in the Easy Clocking Cloud Software to visit or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for information about hours of work, including minimum and maximum hours of ...
EC - Absence Request
Easy Clocking allows your employees to request absences through the Employee Portal and the Mobile App. To see the request navigate to: Dashboard Absence Requests - if there are absence requests that have not been approved/disapproved a blue circle ...
EC - Privilege Groups
How to create groups with specific privileges or restrictions. Log in to the software and click on Settings. Within Settings click on Privileges. Click on Create Privilege Group. Enter a name for the group. Enter a brief description for the group. ...
EC - Contractors
This feature in Easy Clocking allows defining to the employee profile if the employee was hired through a contracting agency. You can use the contractor information to filter it on the time cards and reports section, allowing to generate reports ...
EC - Creating Custom Absence Type
Easy Clocking allows you to track a few absences by default, such as Holiday, Personal, Sick and Vacation. You also have the option of creating custom absences under the Settings. To create custom absences, navigate to: Settings Absence Types Create ...
EC - Creating Shifts
One of the steps that needs to be completed in order to use the schedules feature is creating the shifts that your employees will be working. You are able to create several shifts based on the needs of your company. You MUST create a shift in order ...
Easy Clocking Support Team Contact Details
Contact our Support Team on 1300 693 610