EC - Creating Schedules

EC - Creating Schedules

In order to create a schedule, you must have first created a shift(s) and pay class(s). Please refer to Creating Shifts and Pay Class Setup if these steps have not be completed yet.

Navigate to:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Schedules
  3. Select User from Employee List
  4. Follow the Schedules tab to the right and click Schedule Options 
  5. Click Create Schedules
When an administrator is creating a schedule, a window appears where the administrator will navigate through 4 different tabs, selecting the corresponding settings to the schedule being created.

 Schedule - User Window
  1. The first tab displays the employee(s) selected.
    You are then prompted to select the location for where the employee(s) will be scheduled to work.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

  • The second tab prompts the administrator to “Select the Recurrence Pattern.” This is where you would define if you would like this schedule to be repeated either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You will also need to select the days of the week that this schedule will be created for.
  • Select the start and end date for this schedule - the Easy Clocking software will allow you to create a schedule for up to one calendar year.
  • Click on the drop down box to find the shift that you would like to assign to the employee. If there are several shifts, you can begin typing in the name or time that you assigned for that shift and it will filter out the rest of the list. You also have the option on this window to create a NEW shift for the system. Simply, click the check mark box for New, found under the “select a shift” option, and a slot will open for you to create a shift. Click Next to proceed

  • The third tab gives the administrator the option to select a different Pay Class from the employee’s default pay class.
  • You can also select a Pay differential here, IF the employee pay rate differs from their default.
  •  Click Next to proceed

  • The fourth tab prompts you to select the Project and select the Job that will be assigned to this schedule (if you are using projects and jobs)
  • Click Create when finished.
  • If you do not have the job tracking module the below screen will appear just click Create.

When modifying/removing schedules for employees, an administrator may now delete specific days within the schedule. For example, if an employee has been scheduled for a whole week, the administrator can now choose to delete a single day, such as Wednesday for a Monday-Friday schedule, as opposed to having to clear the whole week and re-create the schedule over from scratch.

Navigate to:

1.     Dashboard

2.     Schedules

3.     Select User from Employee List

4.     Follow the Schedules tab to the right and click Schedule Options 

  1. Click Delete Schedules

     5.     A window will appear.
  • Employee(s) that you have selected
  • Select the Shift that you are deleting
  • Select the Day(s) of the week that you would like to delete.
  • Select the Start & End date time frame that contains the schedule you would like to modify.
  • Click Delete

    Easy Clocking Support Team Contact Details

    Contact our Support Team on 1300 693 610

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